Friday, 11 September 2009

The Sphere and what it means to me....

It's been a funny old day today and I for one have tried to do a bit to keep the memory of those who lost their lives alive. I have worn my 'Tribute WTC 9/11' wristband all day.

I remember exactly where I was this day 8 years ago. It was a Tuesday and my day off, I'd been out riding in the morning and was back home by 2pm. For the first time in my life I put the TV on and started to flick through the channels. I watched the events unfold in horror. I know that I need not go into any more detail than that. I was with a friend that day, and that friend is no longer by my side which is a loss in itself.

In 2007 I went to America, my first trip there. Scheduled to visit New Jersey and Montana. Ironically the girl from Newark, Nottinghamshire flew to Newark, New Jersey!! On my 'to do' list was a trip to Manhattan. I wanted to go to Ground Zero.

I remember arriving there and staring at the vast empty space in front of me with a hollow feeling and sense of loss even though I had lost no one that I knew that day. I stood with my fingers gripping the chain link fence for a good while. I'm a sensitive soul and always felt affected by what I saw that Tuesday.

I had always wanted to visit the World Trade Center and the 'Sphere' which stood outside it. I felt cheated out of seeing something spectacular, witnessing this famous part of New York. I was gutted and I remember asking about the 'Sphere'. My friend Ed told me that it was in Battery Park!!! I made him take me there. Which he did, I must have seemed mad. He drove me to the park and there was an event taking place and the park was full of people. I ran through the park looking everywhere and then there it was....right in front of me....with dents and the odd hole and a base that had been ripped apart. I have photographs of it from every angle I could get but the one I have posted here is the one that I love the most.

The Sphere stands as a tribute to all who lost their lives, it also stands as a symbol of courage and of hope, of strength and of a nations pride. It's my memory, my rock and a dream come true. One day I'll visit it again......
To all, my heartfelt sympathy..

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