1) Qualified for the AQHA World Show in Oklahoma City in 2003. That's the fancy belt buckle to prove it.
2) I have walked the entire 73 miles of Hadrian's Wall in the UK for 'Childline' a children's charity in the UK. The Wall runs from Bowness on Solway to Wallsend in Newcastle.
3) I have taken part in 3 different archaeological digs in the UK. My favourite taking place for over a month in 1998 at Newark Castle in Nottinghamshire. Where I excavated a couple of skeletons!
4) I own 11 different sets of Monopoly! (Star Wars, Star Trek, Simpsons, Lord of the Rings, Millennium Edition, 60th Anniversary Edition, Electronic Version, Rodeopoly, Original Wooden Boxed Replica, Large Wooden Set and the Make your Own Version)
4) Have just spent, and am still spending, 2 years putting back together TC (Zero Turbo Charge) my American Quarter Horse Gelding. He had been so badly treated that he was emaciated, had trauma induced Laminitis and ended up with metal plates holding his feet together and he could barely walk. He has just beat the competition to win the 2009 Sean Dillon High Point Trophy! That means second fancy belt buckle is on the way from Montana Silversmiths.
5) Have chased cows on horseback in Montana! Spent an entire day on horseback looking for 10 head of cattle that was missing. We spotted them off the road on our drive to Z Bar T Cow Camp but. when returning on horseback they had gone. I said to look up in the trees but, Mona, who owns them said they would not have gone for cover so we did not look there. I flew home the following day and Mona found the cows right where I said they would be!!
6) Got driven round Times Square, New York standing up with my head out the sunroof of the car taking photographs!
7) Own a Greeley Hat Works, Colorado custom made Champagne coloured Pure Beaver Cowboy Hat. Was my 40th birthday present from my daughter.
8) One of my favourite songs is Desperado by The Eagles as it just reminds me of me! Except I'm female so if you just swap gender lyrics accordingly then, you will get the idea.
9) All time favourite band is Genesis. Particularly, the track Follow You, Follow Me from the 'Then there were three' album.
10) Fancy dress outfits worn to date include. Clint Eastwood from A Fist Full of Dollars, Indiana Jones from Raiders of The Lost Ark, Dennis the Menace Comic Book Character, A School Girl complete with Gym Skirt, A Cowgirl (not really fancy dress for me), Venus the Greek Godess complete with Blonde Wig. Although I was trying to be Roman at the time!
One last one for good measure....
11) Intend to pose semi naked next year for charity photograph dressed in Boots, Spurs, Leather Chaps, Cowboy Hat and NOTHING ELSE.....
Ha ha that's my list done.....
HOLY COW! YOu've been around.....great list! I'm jealous about the hat....