Friday, 18 September 2009

Calm in a storm

I don't know whats up with me today. I have been surronuded by people for pretty much most of the day but, feel somewhat lonely. I'm not down or low. So I don't know whats wrong. I feel ok. I think..... weird huh? Oh well I can thank Nickleback for getting me through with 'Far Away' damn I love that record.

So anyway, other than that I'm fine. This is my last full weekend to get some serious prep done before I leave for the Championships next week. Need to seriously work on the lope so it might involve a couple of intensive sessions. I have all my kit to get together over the weekend too. I guess it's going to be a pretty hectic week.

I have not even started work on the Titanic yet, well apart from preparing the hull for spraying. Once I get the Dremmel back I can drill the Portholes but that is not really going to happen now till after the operation.

One thing I have decided though, is that I am going to take a holiday next year. I have not had one in a couple of years and I really want to head back to the States. Was investigating flights earlier and they are not as dear as I thought. Gives me something to shoot for too...that said I have not been to Australia yet and I just know that my brother would love me to go over.

If that lottery win ever comes in then I am going to book that Titanic Memorial Cruise, now that would be something.


  1. Hey Good luck on your championship prep dear. I know what it is like to have a championship and all the things you want to fix before hand. Do you know I live in fear of horses. I mean not like deathly afraid but in general I have an aversion to creatures with teeth bigger than mine!

    Are you building a model of the Titanic?

    If you came to the states where would you go?

  2. Well I should have all my kit organised by the end of the weekend. You should be ok with my horses cause I just went out side with a picture of your teeth and they are bigger than theirs!:-)

    Yes I have a 1:350 scale Minicraft Model of the Titanic that I am planning to build during my recovery. However could take me longer as I want to do it right...

    It's not so much where I go, as where I go first! Have been to New York City and Montana. Would like to go back to Montana as missed visiting Yellowstone Park. I want to ride the Street Cars in San Francisco and go to L.A. Texas might be fun! Nevada, really would like to see the Kennedy Space Centre! The list goes on....infact I was investigating flights yesterday!

    Bet you wished you had not asked now!
