Wednesday, 23 September 2009
OK so I squashed in another....
Ladies and Gentlemen I present the AQHA UK Open Western Pleasure Final 2004:
Oh and for good measure, here we are again earlier that season when he was ridden two handed...oh and I love this Suzi Boguss track...
Hey check me out with all this embedding!!! Good job I got done at my pre op early...right to the Championships......x
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
The Last Post...well for a little while...
The Championships start on Thursday and if I can I will try to squash a little blog in here and there (got my Blackberry with me)I will. I have two classes on Thursday and my two main runs for the Championships are on Saturday late on.
I get back early Sunday morning. That's right after I have polished off a full English Breakfast. Then I'm going to make sure I get a decent meal...Roast Beef i think before heading to the hospital for 8pm at night. You just know they are going to starve me after midnight :-)
I'm in for 5 days so I guess you can all enjoy the time off from my incessant ramblings...but the good news is...I'm going to be OK and what is more I am going to be myself again, I am confident of that now. Yes it's going to be a little rocky to start with while everything settles down but, I am really positive about the whole thing. You see that's how I normally am, Positive, you have to have a positive mental attitude or you won't succeed at all. I am going to win this battle, I have fought it for two years and I am going to come back stronger than a powered up Pac Man!!! I shall be a new WOMAN....well they keep telling me it's like being reborn! So bring it on!
So watch out world here I come.....and I can't wait to catch up with you all when I get back.
Adios Amigos xx
Houston we have a problem - continued
Yes I know 4,000,000 americans got married last year and no I did not know that 2% of them met on eHarmony, nor do I care that you are now in the UK....
Monday, 21 September 2009
Houston we have a problem...
Truth is, I'm worried. Now I know I have been telling myself that this is no big issue and that I can deal with it but, you know there are a couple of bits I need to get off my chest, so to speak.
What if I do feel like I'm not a woman anymore? I mean if they take everything out then what is left? What is there to make me a woman? OK two lumpy bits on the front will help but, will men have an issue with this? Will they think that I am less of a woman? Will that make me unattractive to them? I mean I want to think that I'll be the same and that I will still have that certain 'sparkle' but, what if I don't? I am shy enough at the best of times and yes, I do lack confidence on occasion but, if the bit that makes me 'sparkle' goes then what happens then? So you're all going 'What Sparkle? what is she on about?' Well a male friend told me that I have a certain 'sparkle' about me, now obviously I don't understand this but, he says men do! So OK if men can detect this 'sparkle' what if it disappears? I don't want to wind up alone with just my Greyhound for company!
I like being with someone, you know all that 'sharing stuff' I like that part of it. You know the bit where you make decisions together, like buying a sofa! You know I always wanted to do that, pick out a sofa, find one we both like by testing them all etc. I have never done that, I bet its fun. Which gets down to my pet hate...arm chairs....not exactly inspiring for a relationship where one likes to snuggle up to ones partner whilst watching a film or reading a book are they? I have an arm chair ban! I don't mind a really big one like a recliner but not those pathetic things. Oh and sharing the chores and helping each other. Supporting each other in activities, you don't have to have the same hobby, in fact it's healthy not to but, you need to know that your partner is proud of what you do. OK so not everyone likes big stinky horses but, If I come home at the end of the day with a beaming smile because something went fab, I like to know that the person I tell is actually pleased with me. It works the other way too, I like to think of myself as dead supportive, I mean I don't care what the hobby/sport/pastime is I'll be right there giving all the necessary support required, in whatever form it takes.
I'm wandering off the topic...or am I? Is that whats really bothering me? I like a partner I can play 'play' I mean mess about with, like play jokes on each other and play fight etc. I'm a huge fan of sticking Ice Cubes down backs cause that ends in a play fight which usually ends up as something else! I love to laugh and smile and I do it a lot. I'm a physical person and a bit 'touchy feely', I show affection in public and I don't care who is watching, I like to hold hands...OK so I'm 41 but, I like it...I'm not going to stop because I'm 41. I'm young at heart and I love fun and games.
I'm worried about sex! What if it's different? I mean I am not going to know until I try it but, what if..... You see my biggest problem is trusting a partner, not the general day to day trust but, the whole sexual aspect. You see I'm ashamed of the way I look and once I get past that with someone I'm OK but, initially I am timid and shy I'm fine once that trust is there. I'm very loving and loyal, I guess it stems from that kitty cat lion background! I don't like sex cheapened, it's a very personal thing. I like kisses, I like them a lot, they make you feel loved.
I don't like being shouted at in fact I hate it, nor do I like being sworn at. If I ever do something wrong I much prefer it if someone talks to me about it and how to resolve it. Confrontation makes me feel intimidated and small. I don't like crying, I have done to much of it. Men should not be afraid to cry, they are and they should not be, it does not make them weak.
So I guess I just want to know if I will still be seen as a woman and if I'll still be the type of partner someone would want and love? I guess it remains to be seen.....You know I'm not sure where I went with this blog but I feel a little better now even if I can't answer my own questions.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
The last Sunday
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Gladiator, Now I love this the visuals are amazing and I love the score. Obviously it's set in my favorite time period - The Romans! What a wonderful bunch they were. Joaquin Phoenix is absolutely brilliant and Russell Crowe really does take the part and make it his own. You can guarantee that I will be adding the Blu ray version to my 2 disc special edition and extended cut!
Bladerunner, Wow, wow, wow I know own every single version of this film from the original with the dodgy monologue that Harrison Ford did not want to do, to the Final Cut. Another recent addition to my Blu ray collection it's absolutely stunning in HD and for it's 25 years does not look dated at all.
Man on Fire, Oh this is an amazing film, had me totally engrossed from the word go. Denzel Washington plays the part to a tee. In fact I will not tell you about it in case you have not seen it!! Deja Vu is another must for Denzel Fans along with Philadelphia.
Lord of War, Nicolas Cage is great in this and it really does show the stupidity of arms trading and how intertwined it is with politics.
Cleopatra, now I have the original Liz Taylor, Richard Burton film and I think it's just wonderful. Sorry but the sight of Richard Burton in that white leather breast plate is quite enough for me! Is only slightly surpassed now by the sight of Russell Crowe, oh it makes a girls heart race...
Trilogy's....Well that has to be taken by Star Wars (the original three), Indiana Jones and The Lord of the Rings. That said I really enjoyed the 'Bourne' series too.
Musicals, well Evita gets my vote I saw this live on stage this year and it was absolutely wonderful. Not really a musical but, The Glen Miller Story holds a special place in my heart.
Titanic, is a great film, I have a strange obsession with that ship....
The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, are two welcome new additions and have turned me into a big Dan Brown fan. Eagerly awaiting 'The Lost Symbol'.....
Casino Royal and Quantum of Solace are great everybody loves a Bond Film, I love them even more now they have Daniel Craig in them.. OK maybe I should stop at this point because I am going to wander into Actors and Actresses that I like, Maybe I shall do another blog on that.
Before I go though I feel I must venture into television slightly because I know its not a film but, it does have 5 films as off shoots....Babylon 5, it's amazing...Shadows, Narns, Minbari and my personal favourite....Vorlon's...
So I will leave you all with my favourite Kosh Quote:
Friday, 18 September 2009
Calm in a storm
So anyway, other than that I'm fine. This is my last full weekend to get some serious prep done before I leave for the Championships next week. Need to seriously work on the lope so it might involve a couple of intensive sessions. I have all my kit to get together over the weekend too. I guess it's going to be a pretty hectic week.
I have not even started work on the Titanic yet, well apart from preparing the hull for spraying. Once I get the Dremmel back I can drill the Portholes but that is not really going to happen now till after the operation.
One thing I have decided though, is that I am going to take a holiday next year. I have not had one in a couple of years and I really want to head back to the States. Was investigating flights earlier and they are not as dear as I thought. Gives me something to shoot for too...that said I have not been to Australia yet and I just know that my brother would love me to go over.
If that lottery win ever comes in then I am going to book that Titanic Memorial Cruise, now that would be something.
Thursday, 17 September 2009

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Music Music, Music
Well it's 10pm here and I know I should be tired but, I'm not, well I am but, I'm not if you know what I mean. Have been really good and stayed on the decaff coffee too. So it's not like I am completely wired......:-) Strangely enough I am down to one mug of full strength coffee a day....never thought that I would achieve that! Not with the intake I had going...
Right so now I think that I best go rip some Embrace albums to my itunes library, I love the track 'Ashes'. Saw them live at a private Vodafone Gig in the UK back in 2006. I was right on the front row and loved it. It's a really uplifting song that I have used to pick me up after I have inevitably had my heart stomped!!
Ok age check here, anyone heard of Lene Marlin, now she is cool, was about for a short while in the 90's but, I have her album and I love it... I wonder if I can embed a video in here to jog memories? .....Apparently not You Tube/EMI have disabled it....
Best I can do sorry!!! 'Unforgivable Sinner' is a great really is. Oh I love music I really do, all types of it. No matter how you feel you can always find a piece of music to match your, 'If music be the food of love, play on'
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Onwards and upwards
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Lazy Day
Just kicked back and relaxed really. Watched Angels and Demon's as it's just come out. I liked it but, I like the book even more. I have the new Dan Brown on Pre Order so I can't wait to get stuck into it.
My friend Sandi called in for coffee unexpectedly so that was great, she's the one who rescued TC. She's from Washington, Seattle originally and she keeps me going in Maple Syrup!!
Went out to see two good friends Sally and Row and between the three of us we wiped out a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and set the world to rights. Ha Ha.
OK well I have Pre Op assessment early in the morning and am meeting with my surgeon so I best go bed I think.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Wedding...the sequel
I am so glad I don't have to do it again until May next fact based on tonight's experience does anybody fancy being my date so I don't have to go through it again?
I just feel so low the way...I'm sat here in the dress as I type! I'm trying to think of something positive to say but, I can't, I just feel wiped out...Sorry.
Friday, 11 September 2009
The Sphere and what it means to me....

Thursday, 10 September 2009
TC, The Wheelbarrow, Water and an H2go Bag!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Got knocked about on the Tube this morning the commuters were unusually 'violent' this morning...I don't fit in in London because I smile too much...commuters just get there head down and go, and they are just rude....I don't like that, I have manners and was brought up to respect people. On the upside I met a new friend for lunch so that was nice, we have been chatting for a few weeks on the Internet, we were both in the city so 'caught up' made for a pleasant lunch.
So with work dispatched for the day I ventured back on the train. Which got me thinking...If there is one thing I hate more than dating, it's weddings when you are single...they are full of smug married couples! I have one to go to on Saturday night, dreading it....absolutely dreading it...I always feel so awkward ...I'm not good at going 'Stag' I must say. It will be good to see my cousins though as I have not seen them in ages.
Oh well I will report back on that one later.. Right bed time for me. See you all in the morning.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Work is sooooo boring....
The day has just dragged and even now it's only half past 9 at night!!
TC has cut his leg this morning and so I have spent some time administering first aid, he might need some antibiotics though, will check in the morning. His back leg resembles a tree trunk right now which is not good news with the Championships so close...eek...
I got an early start in the morning as I'm off to London to work for the day and won't get back till gone 8pm so when I'm starting at 5am that makes for a long day. Good news is that I am going to meet my friend Tracey in London for lunch, so a little fun to be had. Lucky for me that I have a nice 1st class seat reserved for the journey back.
R.M.S Titanic comes in on Wednesday, can't wait. Then it will be out with the drill as I have to drill all the Port Holes out....have you seen how many there are on the Titanic?
Anyway, nit of a boring post this one but, hey never mind...I need to sleep I think.
G'night all x
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Bang goes the weekend...

How scary is this? Well I mean I was young once! Funny part is it was not even a fancy dress do. I was 19 at the time and I loved that purple wig. Oh yes that takes me back to a time when all I used to worry about was what to wear on a night out...I used to be able to run in those heels too. No point wearing heels if you can not get yourself out of trouble, well that's my motto anyway.
It's been a long day today and I have been out getting bits for the hospital. So I'm in a bit of pain right now. So I'll keep this short and take myself off to bed and get some rest.
Having just watched 'Bedtime Stories' I'm hoping my imagination will give me a pleasant nights sleep...I can but dream.
Good night all. x
Saturday, 5 September 2009

Friday, 4 September 2009
10 things you don't know or may even not want to know....
1) Qualified for the AQHA World Show in Oklahoma City in 2003. That's the fancy belt buckle to prove it.
2) I have walked the entire 73 miles of Hadrian's Wall in the UK for 'Childline' a children's charity in the UK. The Wall runs from Bowness on Solway to Wallsend in Newcastle.
3) I have taken part in 3 different archaeological digs in the UK. My favourite taking place for over a month in 1998 at Newark Castle in Nottinghamshire. Where I excavated a couple of skeletons!
4) I own 11 different sets of Monopoly! (Star Wars, Star Trek, Simpsons, Lord of the Rings, Millennium Edition, 60th Anniversary Edition, Electronic Version, Rodeopoly, Original Wooden Boxed Replica, Large Wooden Set and the Make your Own Version)
4) Have just spent, and am still spending, 2 years putting back together TC (Zero Turbo Charge) my American Quarter Horse Gelding. He had been so badly treated that he was emaciated, had trauma induced Laminitis and ended up with metal plates holding his feet together and he could barely walk. He has just beat the competition to win the 2009 Sean Dillon High Point Trophy! That means second fancy belt buckle is on the way from Montana Silversmiths.
5) Have chased cows on horseback in Montana! Spent an entire day on horseback looking for 10 head of cattle that was missing. We spotted them off the road on our drive to Z Bar T Cow Camp but. when returning on horseback they had gone. I said to look up in the trees but, Mona, who owns them said they would not have gone for cover so we did not look there. I flew home the following day and Mona found the cows right where I said they would be!!
6) Got driven round Times Square, New York standing up with my head out the sunroof of the car taking photographs!
7) Own a Greeley Hat Works, Colorado custom made Champagne coloured Pure Beaver Cowboy Hat. Was my 40th birthday present from my daughter.
8) One of my favourite songs is Desperado by The Eagles as it just reminds me of me! Except I'm female so if you just swap gender lyrics accordingly then, you will get the idea.
9) All time favourite band is Genesis. Particularly, the track Follow You, Follow Me from the 'Then there were three' album.
10) Fancy dress outfits worn to date include. Clint Eastwood from A Fist Full of Dollars, Indiana Jones from Raiders of The Lost Ark, Dennis the Menace Comic Book Character, A School Girl complete with Gym Skirt, A Cowgirl (not really fancy dress for me), Venus the Greek Godess complete with Blonde Wig. Although I was trying to be Roman at the time!
One last one for good measure....
11) Intend to pose semi naked next year for charity photograph dressed in Boots, Spurs, Leather Chaps, Cowboy Hat and NOTHING ELSE.....
Ha ha that's my list done.....
Thursday, 3 September 2009
If you build it....

Well I am a little on the excited side.
I have been a real devil and treated myself to a model kit of R.M.S Titanic.
I have been itching to build it for years and it will probably take years to build but, it will be fun. I bought the Minicraft version as it's renowned for being the best one. So I will soon have a 2 and a half foot long replica! Good thing is there is a company in the States that does all the upgrade kits for I want to add the better benches, windows and railings etc.
Lucky for me I have copies of Titanic: The Ship Magnificent both volumes so I have plenty of reference to go on to get the exterior right. Mind you I think that it will take ages just to get all the rigging correct. Biggest laugh here is the fact that I have not really made models before so I guess if I take my time on it, then it will all work out.
Now before I rumble off into a whole bunch of nonsense, I shall stop myself. I know I could get really excitable and over the top at this point. Anyway it is late and I guess I should away to my bed.
As one last parting shot right now I wish I was really really rich because I would go on this...check it out, it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity..
Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Work, Rest and Plane!

Meet the 'City of Lincoln' this is one of only two air worthy Lancaster's and is my favourite, I fill up every time I see it go overhead. The other one is located in Canada. We do have one other here but, the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) have not deemed it airworthy, that said it is fully functional and it's called 'Just Jane' (they have had the back wheels off the floor!)
Ok back to the City of DID fly on the Dambusters raid and for the last couple of years has had it's livery changed to black because on the other side to the one above it's painted up with the decal of the 'Phantom of the Ruhr'. Wait for it.....
Is that not the best sight ever? Kind of guess not if you're not mental like me.....I actually love the drone of the engine, it has a very distinct's always enough to get me off the chair and outside to look at it.....Well anyway, The City of Lincoln' forms part of the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight or BBMF which is local to me (about an hour away)
Here endeth today's lesson....