Friday, 28 August 2009


You know I was just thinking about all this family stuff, my family and families everywhere.

I remember being in the States a year back and going to the Homecoming Game in Freehold, NJ. Now apart from the fact that it is always a good setting for a slasher movie (I can't watch them!!) I remember the thing that struck me the most was the real family and community feeling that I got from attending that game. Everyone was there mums, dads, brothers, sisters etc and obviously I had a slightly vested interest as one of my friends daughters was in the Marching Band and they were providing the half time entertainment. But the whole homecoming experience for me was quite wonderful. I remember wishing that schools in the UK would really benefit from this type of support, I know they are trying to promote community schools in this country but, I don't ever think we will manage it the way our american friends have.

I bought a Freehold Township Sweat Shirt that is way to big for me because it was all the ladies had left but I don't care, I wanted to show my support. I wear that shirt and it drowns me but, there are loads of memories that are attached to it and I'll take it back with me next time I go.

So here's to community spirit, homecoming (may I get to go to another one some day) and families.

To my daughter, you have made me so proud with all you have achieved. May the road rise up to meet you. x

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