Thursday, 20 August 2009


Oh god now is that not the most terrifiying thing ever? Dating oh how I hate it...fills me with dread and horror.

You know I would just like to meet someone who inspires me. The type of person that the first time you see them the world just stops for that instant, you can't speak and you forget everything. I met someone like that once, someone who had that effect on me. I lost them.

I wonder if there is someone out there that can make me feel that way again? Someone I can tell anything to, no mater how embarrassing or intimate. Someone that I can love emotionally and physically. You see you have to love with your heart and your head, not one or the other. It has to be both, anything less is doomed to failure. Funny thing is, that you can't go hunting for love, it does not work that way, it finds you and usually in an unexpected place...

I am not so good at trusting people, I find it hard to let people in. I'm shy really...not as extrovert as some may think.

Oh well...enough of my waffling...time for bed I think..

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