'The Last' Spitfire - later Griffin Engined one but, still a Spitfire none the less. Had real fun trying to keep up with him....
Ok so I have saved the best till last, this is an American Airmans Flight Jacket and the gentleman that has it, has quite a few and believe me they are all quite wonderfull. Not only that he has all the details of the Airman they belonged to and photographs too...put a real lump in my throat I can tell you.
I just love history it's such a wonderful thing and as you are all probably gathering by now I am a real softie too! Archaeology, History...Oh I should really indulge you all in my other great passion....The Mary Rose...King Henry the VIII's flagship. Raised from the Solent seabed back in 1983.
You know I really wish I was a bit better at this whole blogging thing but I guess I will get there eventually.....No doubt when I go off at the end of the month I'll have time to play around a bit....I am hoping to play with my camera a bit more because there is not a lot you can do when you are banned from riding, driving and lifting anything heavier than a mug of Coffee! Oh well only 27 days to go...