Monday, 31 August 2009

History......Oh what a wonderful subject.

Right ok, So as you all know I have been having a ball all weekend participating in a spot of living history...ok, well watching others do it anyway but, I did get my Canon EOS out, and no it was not on AUTO. However I am no great photographer (yet) I did manage these though....
'The Last' Spitfire - later Griffin Engined one but, still a Spitfire none the less. Had real fun trying to keep up with him....

Ok so next up is a lovely Royal Navy Truck which I just loved because, well my daughter is in the Navy, oh and you always see Army and Air force vehicle but, never a Navy one.

Ok so I have saved the best till last, this is an American Airmans Flight Jacket and the gentleman that has it, has quite a few and believe me they are all quite wonderfull. Not only that he has all the details of the Airman they belonged to and photographs too...put a real lump in my throat I can tell you.

I just love history it's such a wonderful thing and as you are all probably gathering by now I am a real softie too! Archaeology, History...Oh I should really indulge you all in my other great passion....The Mary Rose...King Henry the VIII's flagship. Raised from the Solent seabed back in 1983.
You know I really wish I was a bit better at this whole blogging thing but I guess I will get there eventually.....No doubt when I go off at the end of the month I'll have time to play around a bit....I am hoping to play with my camera a bit more because there is not a lot you can do when you are banned from riding, driving and lifting anything heavier than a mug of Coffee! Oh well only 27 days to go...

Daniel Craig.....

I'll be right with you after I have watched Quantum of Solace...I just want to have a little look at Oh Oh 7.....I'm a naughty girl! Please forgive me it's the nearest I get these days....

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Glen Miller and all that Jazz (well Swing)

I have just had probably one of the best nights out ever!

Spent the day at a War Weekend looking at all the military vehicles and clothing. Then tonight they were having a dance and well I did not want to miss that as they had a leading swing band there. They were amazing!

It is so wonderful to sit and listen to the sounds of Glen Miller (which I love incidentally) Not only that I got some Frank Sinatra thrown in. Oh I just loved it! My feet did not stop tapping all night (not up to dancing at the moment otherwise I would not have sat down). My friend Gerry and I just laughed and listened all night we had loads of fun, her husband thinks we are a bit mental! Oh I can't help it if I still feel 21.

Oh and I bought a reprint of a book first published in 1935 called 'Titanic and other Ships' written by RMS Titanic's first officer Lightoller, a limited edition of a 1000 copies worldwide. I have number 279. It's Lightollers' own account and I can't wait to read it and so I have added it to my 'Recovery' pile of books.

Anyway, I have had a great day and here I am in bed at half past midnight on a laptop because I just had to write it down....there is another day of it tomorrow and I am tempted to go as they are having a fly over by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and I just love that Lancaster Bomber...

You know I am just trying to have as much fun as possible because once the 27th of September arrives I am going to be a bit limited for a month or two. Best enjoy what bits I can now.

Amazing day...

Friday, 28 August 2009


You know I was just thinking about all this family stuff, my family and families everywhere.

I remember being in the States a year back and going to the Homecoming Game in Freehold, NJ. Now apart from the fact that it is always a good setting for a slasher movie (I can't watch them!!) I remember the thing that struck me the most was the real family and community feeling that I got from attending that game. Everyone was there mums, dads, brothers, sisters etc and obviously I had a slightly vested interest as one of my friends daughters was in the Marching Band and they were providing the half time entertainment. But the whole homecoming experience for me was quite wonderful. I remember wishing that schools in the UK would really benefit from this type of support, I know they are trying to promote community schools in this country but, I don't ever think we will manage it the way our american friends have.

I bought a Freehold Township Sweat Shirt that is way to big for me because it was all the ladies had left but I don't care, I wanted to show my support. I wear that shirt and it drowns me but, there are loads of memories that are attached to it and I'll take it back with me next time I go.

So here's to community spirit, homecoming (may I get to go to another one some day) and families.

To my daughter, you have made me so proud with all you have achieved. May the road rise up to meet you. x

Thursday, 27 August 2009

It's nearly the weekend....

So the weekend is nearly upon me and I am going to kick mine off early by having Coffee and Cake with my one of my best friends. Oh lots of 'Girlie' chat and fattening food (panic not bloggers, I will work it off later on the horse!)

No I'm not doing to bad at the moment and with a month to the day till the op, I am sure I'll be back so much brighter, better, healthier and Happier. I tell you something else, I'll be out to make up for lost time too in all aspects of my life.

I am going to get out more, show the horses more and maybe somewhere along the way meet someone nice to enjoy it all can hope.

Oh well I'll be back in a bit, I am just trying to sort my new Blackberry out........

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Now will someone please tell me why it is that just when you think you are going to be able to maintain a healthy friendship with an ex partner, that they just suddenly decide to unleash their own unique brand of hell all over you? Taking it upon themselves to demolish what is an already battered and bruised confidence level. Why is it that they feel they are justified to launch a verbal tirade of 'nasty' swiping comments that only serve to upset and intimidate.

They push you to explain how you feel and when you do, they don't like it at all. I mean for crying out loud if you don't want the answers, then don't flaming ask!!!!

Sorry rant over....

Monday, 24 August 2009

Monday Morning Syndrome

Well it was back to the grindstone this morning, ya boo sucks!!! ha ha. Well having dispatched some accounts, emails and general support issues the morning simply flew by...Dragged a bit this afternoon though.

Just finished my The Mentalist catch up session. Wonder what I can watch next? Not a lot on the TV at the moment which is no bad thing as it means I spend more time outside. Did call the Archery shop again today to chat about one of their bows, they were great as usual but, they think I need to hold out as I could get a good deal at the end of September. Can't wait to start Shooting again.

This is going to sound mad but I really needed a hug today...not sure why, but just felt that way. I guess I am still looking for someone to tell me that it's all going to be OK and that the decisions I have made are the right ones. It's always difficult when you are on your own, you don't have that comfort of a partner to talk things through with. I must admit it's the bit I miss the most.

I had a really good friend that I could talk to and although he was male I could talk to him about anything, anything at all. But he has moved away now and you just tend to feel a void.

I look around at my friends but, I can't talk to them, I can about little things but not everything. It's funny how life can be like that. When you do find someone that you can talk to about everything it's such an amazing release. Nothing beats that feeling in the world. That's probably why I get hurt so much. I'm shy really and I do kind of make myself vulnerable. I am a sensitive soul and take things to heart....

Only 5 weeks to go till the operation now...still worry about waking up in the hospital and no one being there....but, on the up side once it's all over and healed, I 'll be back to my old self and I just can not wait. Someone told me that it is like being reborn. Well here's hoping eh?

Goodnight all.x

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Oh Darn The Weekends Over!!!

Oh no, well there goes another weekend. It was fun though. Got out there this morning on TC and got some great work done there. Weather held so that was good, sunny with a nice breeze.

You know that they always say 'Dance like there is no one looking'? Well I had my iPod on this afternoon and bopped around the paddock to David Guetta and Kelly Rowland...probably not a good idea considering the pain but, hell at least it made me feel better even if TC thought I was a bit weird!! ha ha

Oh well I may be 41 but I love a bit of dance music to be honest, gets you bouncing and cheers you up. I love having fun.....Fun makes the world go round and I always believe that if you are not having fun doing what you are doing, then stop doing it and find something that is fun.

Really considering going to the Archery Shop next weekend so I can check out a new Compound Bow. It will be a good release for me. Something else to do aside from the horses.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Perfect Day

Wow what a fun day I have had. Those girls still run rings round me but, they are oh soooo much fun. It was like being in a tag team most of the time but, the laughs and the smiles make it worth while. Inbetween the Italian Food, the Coffee and smoothies we had some fun breaks too. On the whole a perfect day.

I was going to ride but, by the time I got home I was needing a break. Will ride in the morning. I really need to focus because of those Championships.

It's sunday tomorrow so with a bit of luck the weather will hold and I canread outside in the sunshine. I think my stockpile of books for my enforced recuperation is doing well, pre ordered the new Dan Brown. Can't wait to get my hands on that.....I did not get to see Angels & Demons at the cinema but, pre ordered it on Blu Ray as a treat for having missed out.


Right well I'm off out for the day with Hannah and Katherine. Should be fun plus I can finish my hospital shopping (boring).

I'm hoping the weather will stay sunny. I want to ride later, got those championships coming up and need to prepare. TC still has a long way to go and although he gets better each time, it still needs work.

I'm still in limbo over what will happen to me, long term. Life is so full of uncertainty at the moment, I think I'm just going to focus on my health, my horses and of course, Hannah.

OK back later.

Thursday, 20 August 2009


Oh god now is that not the most terrifiying thing ever? Dating oh how I hate it...fills me with dread and horror.

You know I would just like to meet someone who inspires me. The type of person that the first time you see them the world just stops for that instant, you can't speak and you forget everything. I met someone like that once, someone who had that effect on me. I lost them.

I wonder if there is someone out there that can make me feel that way again? Someone I can tell anything to, no mater how embarrassing or intimate. Someone that I can love emotionally and physically. You see you have to love with your heart and your head, not one or the other. It has to be both, anything less is doomed to failure. Funny thing is, that you can't go hunting for love, it does not work that way, it finds you and usually in an unexpected place...

I am not so good at trusting people, I find it hard to let people in. I'm shy really...not as extrovert as some may think.

Oh well...enough of my waffling...time for bed I think..

Photo Time

Right I am going to try and add a few photo's on here to liven it up a bit. Told you I was new to blogging.. So just kind of hang with me here whilst I do this ok?

Ok well this is me, smiling for once!! Apparently I do the 'smiling' thing alot more these days (probably got something to do with the fact that I have a little more confidence these days). Also something to do with an unfortunate accident involving my front teeth (long story and I am sure you won't want to hear it!) ha ha.

Ok well this is my car parking space!

See I told you I was not much good at this. but we will finish with a couple of Lyrics that kind of some things up for me at the moment so...

'Smile, though you're heart is aching, Smile, even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by. If you smile , through your fears and sorrow, Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just Smile'

'In my darkest hour, in my deepest dispair, will you still care, will you be there?'

Right ok I'll put some more on later...season finale of 'The Mentalist' tonight and I love that programme....Now why can't I meet someone like that? he seem's like a nice guy.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Wednesday some time later...

Ok right well this whole blog lark is pretty ok. Had good workout on the horse so at least I'll keep in trim as will he. Not sure how I am going to enjoy being inactive for 3 months?? Could be interesting.

So ok why is it whenever I see someone interesting who I would like to talk to they always wind up living on the other side of the world? Now whats that all about? Why can't interesting people live near me? I always swore that I was born in the wrong country. Funny that...

I was out on Saturday night for the first time in years. So ok it's the peak of the weekends activities and there was not a single interesting person at all!! Not bother doing that again.

Oh well till tomorrow.

Wednesday Update

Right so I am feeling a bit anyhow at the moment. Not sure why, maybe I am worried about how the operation will affect me?

Just caught the Tax Office trying to drag more money out of me....nice try but they lost!

Going to ride TC a bit later on as it's sunny today....he needs the work as the championships are on the way. Only a month odd to go now.

First Post

Ok so I am new to blogging but, I am currently awaiting a hysterectomy and am right in the middle of a AQHA Show season.

So a bit about me to set the tone......

I am a 41 years old (only just) with one beautiful daughter Hannah who is now 20 years old with a wonderful career ahead of her.

On the 20th of July found out that I needed a hysterctomy as suffer lots of pelvic pain. Having had problems for the last two to three years. I had surgery last September and am obviously going under the knife again on the 28th September this year.

I am an active competing member of the American Quarter Horse Association here in the UK. With two Horses. Let me introduce them...

Taz AKA Carryon My Nifty Guy. My Senior Western Pleasure Horse now aged 9 and having a gap year....

TC AKA Zero Turbo Charge. A young, 5 years old, Hunter under Saddle and Pleasure Prospect who was so badly treated he was left emaciated, had metal plates holding his front feet together following a trauma induced laminitis as a result of horrendous impact cracks. Now Sound and working well but, it's taken two and a half years to get him to this stage so far. Still working on the psycological issues....

So that kind of gets the ball rolling so I'll see what crops up along the way....