OK so sometimes stuff is not as plain sailing as you thought it was going to be, and sometimes you just wonder why it's happening to you.
So here we are on the 22nd of October, some 25 days after my operation. I feel better, yes. Although I am now a couple of weeks behind in my recovery.
You see the op went smoothly as did the initial period in hospital (4 days) I came home on the Friday and all appeared to be OK until the Monday. That is when the pain started and other side effects, I just thought it was normal although the bleeding did prompt me to call the hospital ward to check. A few sleepless nights did not help either and the pain was increasing, eventually I ran out of painkillers and on Saturday it seemed to have subsided. To the point that a friend took me out for coffee and cake! Yummy! I then was picked up by them to go to tea at their house and had delicious home made Italian...I just love Italian food...I once made a Cannelloni from scratch!!
However, at 3am on Sunday morning I was in a mess, doubled over in pain and unable to sleep I felt terrible. I struggled on till morning but, to no avail, I could not walk, I was running a temperature and by 3pm I was unable to manage the pain. So I was rushed to the Hospital A & E.
They filled me full of Morphine and shuttled me over to a larger hospital where they had on call Gynae Doctors. I arrived there about 8.30pm and was put in a side room to await an examination. The morphine was wearing off...i was starting to hurt again. At 10.30 approx I was seen by a doctor who gave me a full exam and said I had an infection. I was admitted and finally settled on the ward by midnight.
Monday was a barrage of Canula's and tests. I was suffering from Low Blood Pressure and chronic Pain. They sent me for an Ultrasound Scan which showed an internal bleed and a collection of blood in my abdomen. The first threat of further surgery came...
My surgeon arrived on Tuesday and was very reluctant to put me back under the knife, he was reassuring and wonderful as he always is.
They pumped fluids in using an IV drip to try boost my blood pressure with bags of proteins. 48 hours later the blood pressure was normal. So on Wednesday they removed the canula. 6 hours later my blood pressure plummeted back down and they again contemplated further surgery, they set my status to 'Nil by Mouth' in case the theatre beckoned and again reinserted another canula in my left hand. More fluids......then my temperature shot up......running a fever my mother arrived to find me shaking under a sheet on the bed complaining of the cold.
Thursday morning and I felt much better but, oh so very tired....I slept most of the day and hardly got out of bed unless I needed the bathroom. Everywhere I went I took 'Dave' the Drip stand! Thursday night meant a brand new series of Scrubs! I owe JD, Turk and Elliot my sanity, they kept me smiling through the whole thing.
Friday they said I could go home but, they had found a second collection on my left side which is draining naturally...as long as I understood that this would bleed out at some point I was allowed home, I had to see the consultant on the Monday to check on me after the weekend. I did see him and I feel much better, nowhere near where I should be right now but, at least I feel better than I did.
So right now I look pretty awful and have some ground to cover recovery wise but, hopefully I should be OK once it all settles down...and I won't speak of this again. This is the first time that I have felt well enough and coherent enough to blog.
I did ask 'Why me?' and then realised that I was younger and fitter than all the others I have seen have this operation, so I was better equipped to deal with the problems and the pain...so I guess I would rather it be me than them...
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